The insurance brokerage group within a Fortune 500 company found its existing systems slow to react to market demands and mandated audit needs. They wanted to improve the usability of their policy booking system while integrating various allied activities like claims and accounting. We integrated the above with useful reporting for managers to drive up productivity.
A major bank needed a soution to effectively manage its investor relations conferences where upwards of 2000 meetings need to be managed over a period of 2-3 days. The criticality of ensuring the correct interactions with rapid response capability to last minute changes via a simple web and mobile interface makes this solution a must have for major banks.
Healthcare needs are significantly driven by local regulatory environments as well as geographical market circumstances. Our teams have worked extensively in US, European and Asian markets to provide you with the right levels of understanding of global best practices as well as local market insights. Physician Targeting to EMR management is a representative spectrum of our industry experience.